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Plumbing Facts and Tips

Welcome to Aquatrade Plumbing, your premier destination for all your plumbing needs. In this article, we’re excited to share some fascinating tidbits about the plumbing world, along with practical tips that can make your life easier. Did you know that the Australian Bureau of Statistics reported over 26,000 plumbing businesses across our sunburnt country as of 2020? That’s a lot of plumbers ready to take on your leaks, blockages, and installations!

It’s a testament to how critical this service is to every household and business. Now, let’s dive into some exciting plumbing facts and practical tips.

Fact 1: The Birth of Modern Plumbing

The word ‘plumbing’ originates from the Latin term ‘plumbum’, meaning lead. The Romans were the first civilisation to use lead pipes for their sophisticated water systems. This marked the birth of modern plumbing.

Tip 1: Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaners

While chemical drain cleaners might appear to be a speedy solution for blocked drains, they often do more damage than benefit in the long run.These chemicals can erode your pipes over time, leading to more significant problems. Instead, consider using a plunger or a plumber’s snake to unclog drains.

Fact 2: Albert Einstein and Plumbing

Einstein once stated that if he could live his life over again, he would be a plumber. The plumbers’ union in the US was so flattered that they made him an honorary member and even started giving out Einstein Scholarships to aspiring plumbers.

Tip 2: Know Where Your Main Water Valve Is

In case of a plumbing emergency, knowing where your main water valve is can save you from a lot of trouble. Turning it off can prevent water damage until professional help arrives.

Fact 3: Flushable Wipes are not Really Flushable

Many people assume that products labelled as ‘flushable’ are safe to dispose of in the toilet. However, this isn’t always true. ‘Flushable’ wipes are a primary cause of sewer system blockages because they do not break down the way toilet paper does. Over time, they can cause significant blockages and costly repairs.

Tip 3: Don’t Neglect Small Leaks

Small leaks may seem harmless, but they can indicate larger issues in your plumbing system. Moreover, they waste water and increase your utility bill. Addressing small leaks promptly can save you from larger, more costly issues down the line.

Fact 4: The Throne of King George II

Historically, the toilet has often been referred to as ‘the throne,’ and in this unfortunate case, it was literally the last throne King George II sat on.

Tip 4: Care for Your Toilet

Toilets are not designed to handle anything other than human waste and toilet paper. Avoid flushing items like wipes, cotton balls, paper towels, and feminine hygiene products to prevent clogs and damage to your plumbing system.

Fact 5: Plumbing and Public Health

The significance of plumbing in upholding public health cannot be understated.

Before modern plumbing, diseases like cholera and typhoid were rampant due to contaminated water. The development of plumbing systems has contributed significantly to the improvement of public health.

Tip 5: Insulate Your Pipes in Winter

During the colder months, your pipes are at risk of freezing and bursting. Insulating your pipes can help protect them from the cold and save you from costly repairs.

Fact 6: The World’s Most Expensive Toilet

The world’s priciest loo, crafted entirely from solid gold, carries a hefty price tag exceeding $5 million. It was created by the Hang Fung Gold Technology Group in Hong Kong.

Tip 6: Use Strainers to Prevent Clogs

Hair, soap pieces, and other debris can easily clog your drains. Placing strainers over your shower and sink drains can prevent unwanted materials from going down the drain and causing blockages.

Fact 7: Water Consumption

Hold onto your hats, because this stat might just blow you away: each Australian, on average, gets through about 340 litres of water every single day, as per the Australian Government’s Bureau of Meteorology. That’s enough to fill a modest backyard pool every week, just in day-to-day use! Makes you think, doesn’t it?

A significant part of this usage can be attributed to bathroom use, including toilets, showers, and baths.

Tip 7: Consider Low-Flow Fixtures

To conserve water and save on your water bill, consider installing low-flow fixtures. These fixtures use significantly less water than traditional ones without sacrificing performance.

Fact 8: The Toilet is the Biggest Water Waster

The toilet is the biggest water waster in your home, with an older model using up to 18 litres per flush. By comparison, newer, more efficient models use as little as 4.5 litres per flush.

Tip 8: Install a Water Efficient Toilet

Installing a water-efficient toilet can significantly reduce water usage in your home. Look for toilets that carry the Australian government’s Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) scheme label.

Remember, an efficient plumbing system is key to a comfortable and functioning home or business. So, stay informed, stay vigilant, and when in doubt, call in the professionals.


Remember, the best way to avoid serious plumbing issues is through prevention and early detection. Don’t ignore those minor leaks and drips, and never underestimate the value of regular maintenance. If you’re ever unsure or facing a plumbing issue, feel free to get in touch with our team at Aquatrade Plumbing. Our team of experienced professionals are always here to help.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I have my plumbing system inspected?

It is recommended to have your plumbing system inspected at least once a year.

What should I do in case of a plumbing emergency?

In case of a plumbing emergency, turn off your main water valve and contact a professional plumber immediately.

Are chemical drain cleaners safe to use?

While they may provide a quick fix, chemical drain cleaners can harm your pipes in the long run. It is always better to seek professional help for stubborn clogs.

How much water does a dripping faucet waste?

A faucet that drips at the rate of one drip per second can waste more than 3,000 gallons of water each year.

Why is regular maintenance of plumbing systems important?

Regular maintenance can identify potential problems before they become significant issues, ensuring the longevity of your plumbing systems.

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