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How to Fix a Burst Pipe

A burst pipe represents a significant disruption for homeowners, swiftly transforming a regular day into a challenging situation. At Aquatrade Plumbing, we are committed to equipping our clients with essential knowledge to address such incidents effectively. This detailed guide outlines the essential steps for handling a burst pipe and and advises on when it’s crucial to seek professional assistance.

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    Recognising a Burst Pipe

    Firstly, it’s essential to know the signs. Unusual noises, water marks, or a sudden drop in water pressure could all point to a burst pipe.

    Steps to Address a Burst Pipe

    • Turn off the Water Supply: Head to your water mains switch and turn it off.
    • Drain the System: Turn on all the taps in your home to drain out trapped water.
    • Switch Off the Electrics: If water has leaked near your electrical appliances, turn off the power at the mains.
    • Locate the Burst: Finding the exact location will help in addressing it.
    • Temporary Fix: Use a piece of rubber or a pipe repair clamp as a temporary solution. Ensure it’s only temporary – always consult professionals for a lasting fix.
    • Call the Pros: If you’re not comfortable doing the repairs, or if the burst is extensive, it’s time to call in the experts. You can reach us at Aquatrade Plumbing Services.

    Prevention is Better Than Cure

    To avoid the hassle altogether, consider preventive measures. Regular maintenance checks and using quality materials can make a world of difference.

    The Importance of Addressing a Burst Pipe Promptly

    A delay in addressing a burst pipe isn’t just about the inconvenience of having a water mess; it’s also about the potential health risks and structural damage to your home. Moisture encourages mould growth, which can trigger allergies and respiratory problems, especially in children and the elderly. Moreover, the damage from a burst pipe can weaken the structural integrity of your home, leading to costly repairs down the road.

    Picking the Right Tools

    When attempting to address a burst pipe temporarily, it’s essential to have the right tools on hand. Some of the must-haves include:

    • Pipe Repair Clamp: This is your go-to temporary solution for minor bursts. They’re easy to use and can effectively stop a leak till professional help arrives.
    • Epoxy Putty: It can seal minor leaks when applied to a dried and cleaned area around the burst.
    • Rubber and Hose Clamps: A piece of rubber can be placed over the leak, held in place with hose clamps for a quick fix.

    Remember, while these tools provide a short-term solution, they aren’t replacements for a professional repair job. Also, always ensure you’re using the right tool for the type of pipe and the size of the burst.

    The Role of Quality Plumbing in Prevention

    One of the best ways to prevent a burst pipe is to ensure that the plumbing system installed in your home is of top quality. By opting for high-quality plumbing solutions, homeowners can significantly reduce the risk of unexpected plumbing issues.

    In colder regions, pipes can freeze and burst. Insulating your pipes can be a lifesaver, preventing the water inside from freezing. Moreover, investing in regular plumbing checks will help spot potential weak points in your system before they escalate into significant issues.

    When DIY Isn’t Enough

    There’s a thin line between a DIY fix and a situation requiring professional attention. It’s vital to recognise when you’re out of your depth. If the burst is extensive, or if there’s significant water damage, it’s time to call the experts. Our team at Aquatrade Plumbing is equipped to handle these emergencies. We use state-of-the-art equipment to detect and repair bursts, ensuring minimal disruption to your daily life.

    The Environmental Angle

    Unaddressed burst pipes or leaks, over time, can waste an incredible amount of water. Being environmentally conscious means attending to these issues promptly. Not only does this save water – a precious resource, especially in parts of Australia that face water scarcity – but it can also save on water bills, making it a win-win situation.


    A burst pipe is indeed daunting, but with the right approach, you can mitigate the damage. The Australian Government’s Home and Property guide offers excellent advice on maintaining your home. While DIY fixes, inspired by the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) scheme, can be valuable, they aren’t a replacement for professional intervention. Always remember, if in doubt, calling professionals is the wisest course of action. For any plumbing emergencies or inquiries, don’t hesitate and feel free to get in touch with us at Aquatrade Plumbing.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Unusual sounds, water marks or low water pressure are telltale signs.

    Turn off the water supply and drain the system. Safety first!

    Temporary fixes are okay, but for a lasting solution, we recommend consulting a professional.

    Regular maintenance every six months is a good rule of thumb.

    Freezing conditions, ageing, or physical damage are common causes.

    Adopting water-saving habits can not only help prevent plumbing issues but also contribute to a sustainable environment. The Australian Government’s Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) scheme provides resources and tips on products and practices to help you use water efficiently at home.

    Regular maintenance, quality materials, and insulating pipes can help.

    Reach out to professional plumbing services like Aquatrade Plumbing.

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